I'm 6 hours late in online celebration of Cole turning 3 months old...hehe. But, I plan to get him a jumperoo today to make up for it:)
I can't believe he is 3 months old already! And he is such a big baby though too....looks like he is bigger than that...haha. He can sit in his bumbo and hang out without me worrying about his head going back anymore (unless hes really tired...then he gets kinda wobbly...and shouldn't be in the bumbo anyways haha). He can hold onto stuffed animals and will looks at them and smile at them. Yesterday, for the first time on his play mat...he was batting at the stuff hanging above him and smiling (mostly at some octopus thing..hehe). He is still completely frustrated by being on his tummy. Hates it now. The strength is there...I think he just wants to move and its driving him crazy that he can't. He hasn't rolled over in a few weeks on his own...but he loves to roll when I roll him around haha. Puts a big smile on his face. When he is on his stomach on the bed he can get to his side...but on the floor he doesn't roll anywhere...just cries:(
Oh! Also, a couple of hours ago, I gave him his pacifier in his hand. He put it into his other hand..and then back to the hand I gave it to him with. A couple times he tried unsuccessfully to get it into his mouth...so I helped him out there...hehe.
Also, last night, he without a doubt was crying for me not being in the room. Sometimes he will cry and I will come in and I guess I am ending up distracting him and making him happy...UNTIL I turn my attention away from him and he really was a little hungry, or wanted a diaper change (although..I don't think hes cried for a diaper change in about a month since I'm so quick about it....only diaper related crying has been rash related, more so I think a diaper change just makes him happy to be naked haha), or needs to burp...or is gassy...something along those lines. But, when he went to sleep last night I went to go heat up some food...was half way through eating it when I hear him crying/yelling....run down to see whats going on...and he was totally ok as soon as he saw me. I even got to continue eating! He just wanted me near him. Which...I think is totally cute...but I'm sure isn't going to continue to be cute forever lol.
I had already kind of suspected he didn't like being alone about a week ago...where if during the day I would put him in his crib with the mobile and he went to sleep...distracted by the music of the mobile...as sound asleep as he would be he would wake up when it automatically goes off in about 20 minutes. Maybe it just means I need to get a little CD player for the room or something
And of course...diaper time. I think things may be getting better. Possibly. I may be speaking too soon because its only been 2 diapers I have seen improvement in...and he has been having some breast milk for about 3 or 4 days now. I had cut out corn again after speaking with nutrition services at the company who makes Neocate...and learned that yes, he could still have a corn allergy even though the main component of Neocate is corn syrup solids. There is no corn protein in it. I also had ended up contacting Earth Balance, who makes the diary free and soy free margarine that I use, and gave them positive feedback and had ended up saying that the only thing better would be a corn free version. They wrote me back, telling me that because of corn allergies popping up more and more...that the corn used in it does not have any protein, so its generally safe for people with corn allergies. Knowing that Cole can tolerate the corn in the neocate junior minus the corn, I feel safe keeping that in my diet (I know Cole couldn't tolerate the soy in the infant neocate...even though that one was minus the soy protein as well...so I'm glad he can with the corn). They are going to be sending me a coupon too, which is awesome...I'm getting lots of companies sending me coupons lately! Its awesome!
Another thing for the past two days though...and it was even intentional...was I havn't had any tomatoes/tomato products. So...that may be it too. I'm going to go about another 2 days with no tomatoes...see what happens...if hes ok I'm going to have some...and see if there is a change or not.
Well, I've got a lot to do today! Driving to either babysrus or buybuybaby (20 minutes away), need to go to wegmans (25 minutes from the baby store), need to go over to the Kia dealership (about 2 minutes away from wegmans...but don't want to drive around and have my bass getting hot in the car...so I will have to go home and get it and come back out to the same spot...that will probably take a 30 minutes) and see if my bass will fit in the Soul with a car seat in there, need to drive the bass back home (10 minutes), need to drive out to auction direct to see their car prices (20 minutes), drive back (20 minutes)...and still at some point today I need to fill out a whole bunch of paperwork still pertaining to the car accident. Oh yea, and I forgot to mention...I have to do all of this...without having a car of my own. So, I am going to need to borrow my mom's car, but I'm sure she has stuff to do this afternoon. I would like to just leave at 8am and start to get stuff done...but she won't be awake until probably 10 for me to ask her. Maybe I can just go and plan on doing the first two things and be back by 10 anyways...because I can't see her needing her car while she is asleep...hehe.
Happy 3 month (plus 1) birthday Cole! You are an awesome baby:)
Awww! Glad things are getting better! :-D