So unpredictable! lol!
Lets start, about 24 hours ago. I am dead tired...and start to lie down to go to sleep. Cole decides he is hungry...and eats about 4 ounces. He is kind of awake still...but I am SO tired (and sick, with broncitis) that I just NEED to sleep. So I do. For about, 20 minutes...because I wake up to him crying. I am trying to figure out what is going on...and am cranky myself...feverish and sick...its the first point where I just walked away for a minute, just needed to destress and come back into the room calmer, because my crankiness was not going to help HIM any...he needs me calm like hes used to. For the next 20 minutes I am trying to find out whats bothering him...and it turns out...hes hungry?? So, he eats some more...about 3 ounces happy...and I fall asleep....again...for about a half an hour. He is crying again, and me begging him to stop isn't working (lol). (and that in itself is unlike me...I am normally just so calm, and telling him its ok...and trying a bunch of different things...and not resorting to asking a baby for something that he has no idea what I'm talking
I try his pacifier...which he likes for a minute...but then is acting like he does when I give that to him..but he is hungry instead. So...he wants MORE food. This continued on for a few hours....of him eating like CRAZY...I think about 15 ounces in 3 hours or so? Thats an insane amount of food. But then...he sleeps for 7 hours straight. When he wakes up, very happy, he doesn't even want to eat for at least an hour, which again, is unusual.
Now, he is eating kinda strange again, starting about 2 hours ago. He cries and acts SO hungry...I give him the bottle...he eats about 1/4 ounce...and goes to sleep...for about 15 minutes...then repeats the cycle. I don't know whats going on with this little guy? He is confusing me! lol
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