Lots of stuff!
To start off with, I'm starting to think that a milk allergy, is NOT the issue. Its been three weeks, and his diapers are still the same...EXCEPT, for his dirty diapers after having some of the organic dry rice baby food (its tiny little flakes..easier to disolve than the rice cereal) his diapers look amazing. The correct color, the correct consistancy, no blood, not much mucus to speak of. Then, the other half of the day..its back to being green and strange looking, with blood in it still from time to time. This, along with me pumping an insane amount of breastmilk (at least 50 ounces a day), makes me think that the problem, is in fact, oversupply, even though hes eating from a bottle all of the time. Its my 'theory', that the rice cereal is fattening up the milk enough, that its making his intenstines feel a bit better...just my theory though...its something to discuss with the doctor at his next appointment. I know oversupply issues of foremilk/hindmilk imbalance are not supposed to cause any issues in a bottle, because the two mix...but when i pump i can see that the foremilk is half of the bottle i am filling up (looks almost clearish) before it starts to change to be more whitish. I don't know..there is not a wealth of information out there on exclusive pumping!
Now, the rice has been added to his bottles at night, because of his reflux. Its supposed to thicken it up, so he won't spit up, and its being done at night because he was spitting up at night, in his sleep, and choking, and scaring me to death. We also started him on baby zantac 2 days ago...and so far...its not working. I don't know how long its supposed to take to work either. He is still having mini projectile vomits after every feeding.
Something amazing as well that we started two days ago, is gripe water! He was getting sooo fussy because his tummy was hurting him so bad...and hes so gassy. It always starts up around the same time every day too..about 430pmish...and lasts for a few hours. The gripe water has really helped so far. He actually spent an hour kicking away yesterday, happy and smiley, which he hadn't done for about a week.
I will just be really happy when he stops his throwing up...and i hope its soon!
I think you can have a balance issue with exclusive pumping. Have you tried "block pumping"? This is very important for women who have a lot of milk in their breasts. If you pump one side each time then you might not get down into the real hindmilk. Just a thought........
ReplyDelete4:30 pm is baby cranky time for many, including Dalia :)
If block pumping is double pumping, thats what I have always done. LLL advised getting rid of the first five minutes worth to try to balance it out.