It has now been around 2 weeks that I have cut dairy out of my diet. I only had one little screw up, when I saw a potato and thought POTATO..and not...POTATO WITH BUTTER ON IT. lol...but that was only about 24 hours into my cutting dairy out of my diet routine.
The first couple of days...I didn't have much to eat AT ALL! I didn't know what to do. Its hard getting to a store with a newborn baby, and all of my quick and easy grab and eat food contained dairy. I had some frozen dinners, some un-frozen quick dinners, cheese, crackers, even some lunchables. With Cole's lack of sleeping for any significant length of time that he goes through a lot, its just way to much for me to actually cook something sometimes. On top of that, I was out of bread, out of jelly (for PB & J) and out of meat. I also had the wrong butter, for something starchy and quick.
SO, that first trip to the grocery store was helpful...but...i still found myself being really limited in hat I could eat. I just went through the meals I would normally have in my head...and just tried cutting out all of the ones that might have dairy in it. That left me with hardly anything, and it was really surprising. So, I needed a new plan of attack. Replacement.
First, I tried replacing cheese, with soy cheese. I tasted it..and it was the most horrible disgusting thing I think I have ever tasted in my'm not going there So, I tried to replace it with another food entirely...and so far...thats beans (and will be tofu as well). There had been many times I would eat black beans when out to eat somewhere...but i never bought them and ate them at home until this week...and i really don't know why! I made tacos the other night too, and replaced the cheese with refried beans (lol).
When it comes to Cole, I am seeing improvement in some areas, but not in others. His diapers are looking more and more yellow, and less green (except for twice...and i am assuming that these random occurences mean he is allergic to something else too...I think it may be the two time i had eggs as the main part to a meal...not sure...). There is no more blood in his diaper either. His stomach for the most part seems to feel better, but I have no idea if that is really from me stopping the dairy, or introducing the mylicon drops into his diet. His spitting up is just as horrible....but thats all for a different post. Its also kind of hard to figure out exactly whats going on with him, because of the medicine I have been on lately. Two rounds of antibiotics, and they say a side effect can be messing with his intestinal tract. So, I guess I won't really know about how dairy free is going, until I am off these meds, and they are out of both of our systems. (and, how a future doctor appointment goes concerning his spit up/throw up issues)
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